MM002-xx-EU Certification for products
1 Sigfox Pre-certification
1.1 Test mode for qualification
Stack must be activated via:
1.1.1 Uplink test mode
TST modem must have uplink and download test mode activated by the the following commands.
Cmd : AT$ST=[<count>,<period>,<channel>]<CR> : to activate the test mode :
OK<CR>(<LF: optional>)
- count = 0..32767 or -1 : infinite loop sending user frames (count * burst of 3 frames) : default value : 10
- period = 1..255 seconds for sending test frame every period seconds : default value : 1
- channel = 0..480 or -1 : hopping activ
1.1.2 Downlink test mode
Cmd : AT$SR=<seq_number>,<channel>,<count><CR> : to activate the rx test mode :
- <seq_number> = seq number to receive permanently
- <count> = number of frame to receive 0 or 1: permanently reception.
- <channel> = 0..480 : channel arround reception center frequency where to receive
Resp :
RX=<message1><CR>(<LF: optional>) RSSI=<rssi_value for message 1><CR>(<LF: optional>) RX=<message2><CR>(<LF: optional>) RSSI=<rssi_value for message 2><CR>(<LF: optional>) …. RX=<message n><CR>(<LF: optional>) RSSI=<rssi_value for message n><CR>(<LF: optional>)
1.1.3 Continuous wave
To run radiated tests for SIGFOX classification, continuous wave is needed (without any modulation).
Cmd : AT$CW=<frequency>,<mode>,{<optional power>} <CR>
- <frequency> = center frequency for carrier
- <mode>= 0: off 1 : on
- <power>= value in dBm optional . If power is max power = 14dBm (used for SIGFOX tests) : no need to specify it in AT command parameter.
Note: This command is mandatory for certification of your device for CE.
Resp :
OK<CR>(<LF: optional>)
2 LoRa Pre-certification
> - Comment activer et désactiver la réception permanente en > Sigfox ? > Lora : > - Comment activer et désactiver l’émission permanente non > modulée en Lora ? > > - Comment activer et désactiver l’émission permanente modulée en > Lora ? > > - Comment activer et désactiver l’émission modulée ON/OFF pendant > 1 seconde en Lora ? > > - Comment activer et désactiver la réception permanente en Lora ?